the middle, and just under the nose is one of the most sensitive areas. Right along the edge of the jaw is another. The neck is pretty rough too. I told my operator that one had to be either dedicated, a complete nut or a masochist to go through it. I hope to qualify in the first catagory. However, there are many others of you like myself who want it done so what's to be done about it? Well, I'll relate some of the techniques I experimented with.
Minimizing Pain: They say a stiff "shot" before the treatment helps. I don't know as I don't care for alcohol. Of course the best of all is to have your dentist give you a novocain injection just prior to the work. But this has complications of distance, synchronizing appointments and possible cost. Plus the fact that he can't anesthetise your whole face. Next, there are other drug helps. A couple of as- pirin may help a little but Empirin Compound No. III with Codeine is probably the best. It's a prescrip- tion item so you'll have to get your doctor to co- operate. The No. III formula is the stronger of the several. One of these about 20 minutes before the treatment will definitely cool things down but it wont remove the pain entirely especially in the part- icularly sensitive areas. Moreover, it leaves you feeling real washed out for the rest of the day or evening.
Another chemical method that I almost forgot to mention is the use of Ethyl Chloride. This is a highly volatile liquid that comes in a bottle with a kind of trigger cap. Its own vapor forces the liquid out in a stream. Since it is so highly vol- atile it evaporates upon striking the skin and this cools the skin very rapidly. Sprayed long enough in one place it will freeze the skin and this pro- perty is used by surgeons as a local anesthetic when they must make a local incision. The product must be obtained by prescription, but it can be valuable in cooling almost to insensibility small areas at a time. As the effect wears off in a few minutes fresh